StoreX Theme Tutorials


How to resolve infinite scroll issue within contentbuilder’s dashboard

Once you try to edit current content or extend it with some new elements and meet infinite scroll problem, don’t hesitate and use solution below:

  1. First of all, enter your server files within FTP account or through file manager of your cPanel;
  2. Follow wp-content/plugins/contentbuilder/core/assets/register.php 
  3. Edit register.php in text editor. Copy code and paste to 133rd string like in screenshot below;
  4. Save changes and refresh site in browser with ctrl+shift+R to refresh browser’s cache.
'ig-pb-jquery-select2-js' => array (
 'src' => 'assets/3rd-party/jquery-select2/select2.js',
 'ver' => '3.3.2',

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