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Is you theme mobile ready?

Categories Mobile | news

Today Google announced about a new feature in search – Mobile Friendly Marker. Now when user searches with google from a mobile devices the results of the search will be returned with a Mobile Friendly Marker, informing the user that the link in search result will return a mobile friendly site. It is definitely the time to check if your theme is mobile ready.

Google offers a tool for that: Mobile-Friendly Test

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New Products Carousel – Free Prestashop Module

Categories news | Prestashop | WooCommerce | Tags
New Products Carousel – Free Prestashop Module
Themes Zone has a giveaway for you today. We are given away our Prestashop Module -Products Carousel. It is extra powerful with a set of settings to control module’s view, layout and behaviour. The module is easy to install and use. It is responsive and Prestashop 1.6 Ready.

Check the live demo here
Download Free Prestashop Module – Products Carousel

Module Allows to display Featured Products, New Products or Bestsellers on your Prestashop Home Page. Module comes with a lot of options allowing you to set the number of products for mobile and tablet display. You can also set a number of products to scroll, show or hide navigation, set autoplay
PS: Updated, version 0.9.5 – Now you can also select a category to display in the carousel.