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Elementor Page Builder plugin review

Categories WordPress

There are great number of really well-coded drag & drop content builders that allow creating good-looking pages with needed layout. But, what about the most user-friendly? We are Themes Zone, a dedicated team, 7 years in the making, of experienced members, who easily handle multiple WordPress projects such as Handy Handmade theme, Dash Furniture theme, StoreX Electronics theme, Brideliness Wedding theme, Bikeway Sports theme, Chicky Fashion theme and others. And we want to point out the most popular WordPress page builder ever.

Let’s look deeper at Elementor content builder. It uses front-end editor that gives an opportunity to implement changes on your website using visual editor and observe applied changes almost immediately. Elementor was released in June 2016 and became a bestseller in less than 3 months. The number of active installations grew up thick and fast. And almost in a year, their user-base includes more than 300.000 users.

This awesome tool is full of premium features, as a result, users are able to extend their websites with premium functionality for free. Each member of our team was impressed by Elementor. The information below will help you to decide whether it’s the right content builder plugin for your site and functional for everyday use.

Things that you should know about Elementor:

  • Elementor page builder is compatible with all WordPress themes;
  • Front-end visual editor displays applied changes in real time;
  • Create any content layout or page layout according to what your current WordPress theme allows you to do;
  • Doesn’t require any knowledges in HTML, CSS or PHP coding;
  • So well-optimized and free;

In our Chromium Cars & Auto Parts WordPress theme you can observe several page layouts. Demo Data of this WordPress theme gives an opportunity not to waste time with building each layout from the very beginning and use pre-built ones:

Elementor is overloaded with unique features and forced with a library of pre-made page templates. Most of them are default ones. 35-plus free templates available. You can create your own templates and save them for use later. Templates can be modified and imported as well.

Once you have activated Elementor, “Edit with Elementor” button in the top admin panel. Or just enter live editor by clicking on this link. If you are already in the post or page edit area, simply click on the “Edit with Elementor” button.

Elementor allows you to manage number of content widgets and content elements, which you can place anywhere on the page and relocate them according to your needs anytime via full drag-and-drop support. Chromium WordPress theme is equipped with more than 20 unique custom elements & widgets. Just drag element and locate wherever you want, save changes and move forward. All default Woocommerce and WordPress widgets are included as well.

Just use your imagination, Elementor has no limits. Headlines, images, text, videos, buttons, dividers, spacers, icons, image galleries and carousels, counters, testimonials, social media icons, shortcodes, and many more.

Elementor dashboard includes default settings and allows to set backgrounds, paddings, margins, colors, fonts etc. Even if something goes wrong, Revision History feature will help to get back to exact moment and don’t loose important changes.

And we have really amazing news, with Elementor content builder you’ll have full control over what your page looks like on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Let’s look deeper at 6 unique widgets that were developed especially for Elementor content builder and are used in Chromium theme. Enter Elementor dashboard and type “TZ” in Search field and system will light out all of them for you:


  • TZ Promo Banner (allows to add configurable banner with several parameters such as hover effects, promo text, button with link etc.)


  • TZ WooCommerce Shortcode (brings the possibility to add Featured/Recent/Sale product carousels etc.)


  • TZ Product Tabs


  • TZ Hoverable Tabs


  • TZ Testimonials


  • TZ Product Categories Grid/Carousel (allows to add configurable product categories element with several parameters)


  • TZ Sale Carousel (adds Sale products carousel on your site)


  • TZ Posts from Blog (adds configurable carousel with posts)


All of this and many more you’ll have for free without any hidden costs or even registration needs. If you want Elementor with extended settings and features, PRO version is available as well:

  • 24+PRO widgets;
  • 75+ PRO templates;
  • apply custom CSS to Elementor blocks;
  • customize Woocommerce elements on your site;
  • and more…

Don’t pass by Elementor. It’s so mobile-friendly, open source, and optimized for search engines.




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