Ellie Free Fashion WordPress Theme – Comprehensive Review of Options

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Categories WooCommerce | WordPress

Ellie free fashion WordPress theme is a great top-tier theme that offers you a lot of benefits. It is common for other free fashion WordPress themes to offer your very little. Unlike that, Ellie offers you demo data, great theme options, regular updates, and a fair amount of personal one-on-one support at no cost whatsoever. In this post, we are going to review the most important and outstanding features and options of Ellie.

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5 Recently Released WordPress Directory Themes 2018

Categories WooCommerce | WordPress

We want you to meet a recently released collection of gorgeous and popular classified WordPress Directory themes 2018. All of these 5 themes allow creating an online directory and a finely tuned classified ads website. Excellent experience to search and find desired employees. To list local businesses, tourist attractions, events or just fully fledged jobs marketplace. And, even in this case, WordPress does the job perfectly and still remains the best tool for these purposes. Brings the most simple solution to build not just simple recruitment website but complete user-friendly job portal. Each theme from this article will suit perfectly for HR agents and agencies as well. Just inspect these Directory themes to find out which one fits your project the best way.

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Elementor Page Builder plugin review

Categories WordPress

There are great number of really well-coded drag & drop content builders that allow creating good-looking pages with needed layout. But, what about the most user-friendly? We are Themes Zone, a dedicated team, 7 years in the making, of experienced members, who easily handle multiple WordPress projects such as Handy Handmade theme, Dash Furniture theme, StoreX Electronics theme, Brideliness Wedding theme, Bikeway Sports theme, Chicky Fashion theme and others. And we want to point out the most popular WordPress page builder ever.

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5 Most Trendy Real Estate WordPress Themes 2018

Categories WordPress

In modern business environment, it is unacceptable to ignore such kind of tool as own online store. The smartest businesses felt the wave in early 20’s and became pioneers of progressive web business movement. Today we’ll talk about the most trendy Real Estate WordPress Themes 2018. These WordPress themes were designed and developed for independent real estate agents and agencies.

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