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5 Best WordPress Job Board Themes for 2021

Categories Elementor | WordPress

Are you looking for the best WordPress job board theme in the year 2021? I genuinely hope so, since I created this article precisely for that case. Creating a job board site may be quite complicated since the amount of work required to create a site like that is tremendous. Crafting a job portal like that may require hundreds if not thousands of hours of work, which could very well cost thousands and thousands of dollars.

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Chromium – The Best Car Dealership WordPress Theme

Categories WooCommerce | WordPress

Looking for a car dealership WordPress theme is not an easy task. Building a site is pretty hard in itself even if we completely omit the purely technical compound of it. Chromium is one of the best WordPress car dealership themes that are here to make your life a bit easier. Our automotive dealership demo includes all the tools you need to create a successful online presence in a relatively short timespan.

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Best Free Theme for Elementor – Ellie theme for Elementor

Looking for the best free theme for Elementor still seems to be somewhat problematic. There is no doubt that Elementor plugin is this next big thing in WordPress community. However, it looks like there is not enough great themes for it just yet. So, if you are looking for the best free theme for Elementor in 2019 we may have an answer for you.

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Tools Shop Demo Data Set for Chromium WordPress Theme

Categories WooCommerce | WordPress

We are glad to introduce the new Tools Shop demo data set for Chromium WooCommerce WordPress theme! This new demo data set provides you with even more flexibility and adds thematic variability to the theme. The mighty Elementor still powers content sections of pages of the demo and fills every minute you use it with pure joy. Toss sections around, delete rows, add more columns, show your best selling products in a carousel – all this is possible with Elementor page builder and Chromium Tools Shop demo data set.

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A Perfect Jewelry Banner for a WordPress Jewelry Site

Designers and website owners often ask themselves: what does it take to create a perfect jewelry banner. And it’s a tough one to answer because there are numerous approaches to the problem. Marketers will most likely talk about call to action and click-through rates. Designers will talk about images, fonts, and text positioning. Website developers will discuss technologies which help to create those banners. And they will be right. If you are a big company, like Tiffany, you can do all kinds of things on your site. You can afford any marketers, developers, designers, and artists to work on your site. You can probably even have Banksy to design your jewelry banners, why not? And yet those big guys still tend to keep things simple. Because it’s efficient, and beautiful too.

So, Why your Perfect Jewelry Banner Should Be Imperfect?

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Best WordPress Hosting for Your Start-Up in 2018

Categories Uncategorized

Dear clients! We know that many of you are looking for the best WordPress hosting for your start up in 2018. We know that site speed is very important for your sites.

High site speed provides a better user experience for your customers and gives you better search engine ratings as well. While your site speed depends on multiple factors, your hosting plays a huge role in it. That’s why we decided to launch an experiment and to share our nice host with several customers of ours. If you use one of our WordPress themes, if your site weighs less than 1 Gigabyte in total and you have no more than several hundred visitors per day – you are welcome to apply for participation in our hosting experiment. Price is $200 per year, first-month money-back guaranteed. It means that we will return you your money if you are still not happy with your site speed during the first month of our hosting usage.

If you are interested, please create a ticket here stating “Hosting candidate” in the title.

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Ellie Free Fashion WordPress Theme – Comprehensive Review of Options

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Categories WooCommerce | WordPress

Ellie free fashion WordPress theme is a great top-tier theme that offers you a lot of benefits. It is common for other free fashion WordPress themes to offer your very little. Unlike that, Ellie offers you demo data, great theme options, regular updates, and a fair amount of personal one-on-one support at no cost whatsoever. In this post, we are going to review the most important and outstanding features and options of Ellie.

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7 Handmade WordPress Themes to Buy in 2018

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Categories WordPress

The demand for handmade goods has been rising exponentially ever since digitalization hit the industry. With the rise of online e-commerce sites, minor vendors received an unprecedented possibility to advertise and sell their products nationwide, even globally. WordPress, as one of the most popular, free, and user-friendly website CMS, has contributed a lot to the trend. In this post I gathered 7 outstanding handmade WordPress themes which, in my humble opinion, are worth to be used as a foundation for your handmade site in 2018.

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7 WordPress Wedding Themes You Should Consider Buying in 2018

Categories WordPress

There is no need to tell how important weddings can be in modern society. Sometimes it looks like weddings are third the most complicated human activity after microprocessor production and Moon landings.

The amount of precision and perfection applied in this particular area can be endlessly abnormal. That’s why finding a perfect wordpress wedding theme is a must if you want everything to be perfect on the digital side of the celebration. That is if you need a wedding wordpress theme at all, of course.

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