Dear clients! We know that many of you are looking for the best WordPress hosting for your start up in 2018. We know that site speed is very important for your sites.
High site speed provides a better user experience for your customers and gives you better search engine ratings as well. While your site speed depends on multiple factors, your hosting plays a huge role in it. That’s why we decided to launch an experiment and to share our nice host with several customers of ours. If you use one of our WordPress themes, if your site weighs less than 1 Gigabyte in total and you have no more than several hundred visitors per day – you are welcome to apply for participation in our hosting experiment. Price is $200 per year, first-month money-back guaranteed. It means that we will return you your money if you are still not happy with your site speed during the first month of our hosting usage.
If you are interested, please create a ticket here stating “Hosting candidate” in the title.
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